(I might sound a little hippy dippy crazy, but I love running outdoors because it puts me in a spiritual Zen-type meditative frame of mind)
The weather was gorgeous. Totally out of the ordinary for nearly-November. It's been chilly in the mornings (not unusual), but the afternoons have been warming up to high-seventies.
My running photography philosophy: I don't stop or break stride to take a picture. When I'm running, it's constant forward motion.
With that being said, here's some sights I saw on my run:
The pedicab! I've never actually seen anyone ride it, but I love how he's decorated it for fall.
This is a turtle pond. The kids and I walk up this way every so often and watch for the little turtles pop their heads out of the water.
People were out fishing in waders! I would say that's an indication of how warm it is, but people who like fishing seem to really like fishing and will do it in any weather. Kinda like runners, huh?
There was a band practicing in the park, and they were pretty good. It was nice to have some accompanying music.
Ah. I cherish my Wednesdays. I hope this weather keeps up ;)
Anyone else have some beautiful scenes from a run?